Belly casts. I love them, I have 4 hanging on a wall in my house. However, when it comes to hennaing them, they stress me out! Part of what I love about henna is that it is so forgiving. When I make a mistake on skin I can wipe it off and go on, when I make a mistake on a belly cast, I'm stuck. It is there and there is no wiping it off. Well, unless I want a big brown smear, and I don't. I don't have the same problem when making something wood, because, well, it's just wood. A belly cast is an irreplaceable memento of a special fleeting time in a woman's life. There is a little pressure there to make it great! All that said, I really enjoy them when they are finished. The soft brown raises from the textured white cast, it is a lovely contrast of color and texture. Once the sealant is on, I breath a sign of relief and then have a moment of joy at the task accomplished and I hope they are enjoyed for years to come. If you have a cast laying around that you want decorated or you are going to be getting one done, feel free to send me a message and check out the other casts I've done here. This cast was done by, and for, Jacquelyn of Instrinsic Birthing, she offers the service if you don't want to do your own cast!